
How the FLEX Program Can Prevent the Summer Slide

flex summer program to prevent summer slide

Summer should be a time of fun and relaxation, but you can’t completely close the door on learning

Key Takeaways:

  • The summer slide can result in learning losses of up to 20% in reading; 27% in math
  • The FLEX Summer Program offers support for students who need help catching up or who want to avoid learning losses
  • FLEX subjects include: Math, Writing & Reading (comprehension & fluency)
  • The program can be tailored to your child’s individual needs & education goals

Education experts know that being away from school for weeks on end can result in learning losses. It’s known as the summer slide, and it is a real phenomenon that can make it harder for your child to maintain academic momentum.

We talk about the summer slide and how it can affect your child academically. We also discuss ways to prevent it, including enrolling in the FLEX Summer Program at The Learning Lab.

What is the summer slide?

The summer slide refers to learning losses that can occur during the long break from school. Multiple studies have looked at what happens when children are off from school for 8+ weeks.

A 1996 study recognized that students experienced significant learning losses in reading and math over the summer. A 2015 study added more specifics, finding that students in 3rd – 5th grade habitually lose about 20% of gains in reading and 27% of gains in math.

This past year only added to the problem. The COVID-19 pandemic led to widespread school closures throughout South Florida and around the country. Parents and students dealt with remote learning for months. Even now, some students are only back in school part-time, either by choice or because of erratic school schedules. 

The situation has resulted in additional learning losses due to the COVID slide. In fact, a report by the Northwest Evaluation Association (NWEA) estimated that students might have lost up to 30% of their reading gains and up to 50% of math gains. 

Your child might not be in this situation, but they may need extra help to be prepared for next year. Many parents encourage their children to read books, buy reading and math workbooks, or hire a tutor. All those things can be helpful. But there is another tool that will be even more effective: Learning Lab’s FLEX Summer Program.

Learn more about the FLEX Summer Program

Our FLEX Summer Program can help students avoid the summer slide. It’s designed for children who need extra support in certain subjects before school starts next year. It can also help your child maintain academic momentum and avoid learning losses.

The FLEX Program offers practice in the following areas:

  • Math
  • Writing
  • Reading comprehension
  • Reading fluency

The big benefit of this program is that it is FLEXible and can be tailored to your child’s individual academic goals. It’s also easy to work around your child’s schedule, which may include summer camps and family vacations.

Enrolling in the right program

Tailoring the right program for your child starts with a subject area placement screening. This test will assess your child’s learning level and place him or her in the appropriate program. We also use the test to establish a baseline so we can track your child’s progress and make any needed changes. Your investment depends on the number of sessions involved.

FLEX Summer Program schedule

Monday – Friday

1:00 pm – 4:00 pm

Get started by filling out the 2021 Registration Form.

What if your child needs more intensive help?

If your child needs more specific or intensive help, we offer the S.M.A.R.T. Summer Literacy Program. It’s a 6-week program designed for students who are a year or more behind in reading and/or math.

The S.M.A.R.T. Summer program is beneficial for children with learning differences such as dyslexia, ADHD, or a diagnosed (or suspected) Specific Learning Disability (SLD).

We use S.M.A.R.T. Goals and the F.I.T.T. Principle to ensure that students gain phonemic awareness, enhance phonics skills, and become more efficient and fluent in reading and writing. 

  • S.M.A.R.T.= Specific, Measurable, Attainable/Achievable, Relevant, and Time-Sensitive
  • F.I.T.T. = Frequency, Intensity, Time, and Type

Find summer learning support for your child

If your child needs extra help, The Learning Lab is here. We offer in-person tutoring and virtual learning tools to help children avoid learning loss or catch up if they’ve fallen behind. No matter your child’s needs, you can find help here in South Florida. 

The Learning Lab recently expanded into Davie location in order to better serve the Broward community. We offer summer learning support to children throughout Davie, Cooper City, Plantation, and Fort Lauderdale.

Contact us today for more information.



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