
Learning Lab Blog

The Science of Reading: Structured Literacy vs. Balanced Literacy

learninglab23 February 18, 2022

It is estimated that dyslexia impacts about 20% of the general population. It begins with

Blog Post Executive Functions Reading

The Wait-And-See Approach to Learning and Why It Never Works

learninglab23 January 27, 2022

Why the wait-and-see approach fails struggling readers and other children with learning differences  Key takeaways:

Blog Post

What Is the 3rd Grade Wall and What Does It Mean for Students With Dyslexia?

learninglab23 January 25, 2022

Why third grade can make or break a school career  Key takeaways: Third grade is

Blog Post

The Learning Lab’s Core Values – Attitude of Gratitude: The Benefits of Dyslexia and ADHD

learninglab23 December 8, 2021

Why these learning differences are gifts  Key takeaways: The right hemisphere of the brain is

Blog Post

Learning Lab’s Core Values – Action Oriented: How to Set Realistic Goals for Children With Learning Differences

learninglab23 November 24, 2021

Setting S.M.A.R.T. goals for success  Key takeaways: We set S.M.A.R.T. goalsWe create short-term and long-term

Blog Post

What Is Growth Mindset and How Do We Teach It at the Learning Lab?

learninglab23 November 11, 2021

How having a growth mindset helps children with learning differences achieve milestones Key takeaways: A


Marathon Mentality: Addressing Dyslexia and ADHD at Every Age

learninglab23 October 27, 2021

Tips on helping your child thrive in school and life Key takeaways: Early intervention and

ADHD Blog Post Dyslexia

Learning Lab’s Core Values – Open Heart: How to Learn on Their Terms

learninglab23 October 13, 2021

How we use open hearts to teach children with learning differences Key takeaways: All behavior


7 Tips for Transitioning Back to in-Person Learning

learninglab23 September 22, 2021

Advice for parents of kids learning in a physical classroom  Key takeaways: Establish your new


A Back-to-School Guide for Kids With Dyslexia

learninglab23 September 8, 2021

School’s here! Key takeaways: Keep the lines of communication openShare your child’s most recent evaluations,
