
Category: Dyslexia

Are SLD And Dyslexia The Same Thing?

Are SLD And Dyslexia The Same Thing?

Specific learning disabilities (SLDs) and dyslexia are commonly seen together, so some people may confuse them for being the same. If you’re a parent whose child has just been diagnosed

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Gift Guide for The Unique Learner

Many parents, teachers, and caregivers ask our team around the holiday season what kind of thoughtful and educational gifts can they buy for their specialized learners. We’re here to help!

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The True Gifts of Dyslexia

Dyslexia is a common learning difference that affects the brain’s ability to process language. It most commonly results in difficulties with reading and writing, including spelling, word recognition, and decoding.

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10 Famous People With Dyslexia

10 Famous People With Dyslexia

It’s a common misconception that dyslexia is caused by poor intelligence, laziness, or other character flaws. In fact, dyslexia can occur in all walks of life. Some of your favorite

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