
Homeschool Support

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How Learning Lab creates a “bridge” to successful learning for smart, but struggling students:

When smart but struggling students start to ‘hit a wall’ when it comes to reading, they begin to lose confidence, hate school, and maybe even give up.  Our goal is to intervene with high levels of intensive, individualized instruction so that these students can learn in the most effective way to meet their learning needs and close learning gaps. Not only do students receive individualized, intensive interventions, but students are exposed to creative and engaging social studies and science curriculum that is complimentary to their learning style and academic levels.  With no distractions from difficult grade level material or the pressure of standardized testing, this level of support creates a ‘leveled playing field’ for students so that they can catch up with peers and eventually re-enter a traditional classroom (or ideal classroom of the family’s choice) with confidence.

Read more about how we create individualized SMART goals for every learner and how we use our FIITT principle to optimize academic success.


Families choose to homeschool for many reasons. We choose to offer home school support because:

a)  we know, first hand, that a traditional classroom setting does not meet every learners’ needs.

b)  we know, first hand, that a traditional school year does not support every families’ goals.

c)  we passionately believe that every student and every family deserve the S.P.A.C.E. to live freely, love wholly, learn joyfully, grow continually and shine brightly.

Families who make the choice to home educate are permitted to customize their child’s curriculum and make their own decisions about participating (or not) in yearly standardized testing. This means you can feel confident that your child’s learning needs will be met and that your child’s coursework will align with your family’s goals.

Our HomeSchool Support program includes the following services:


  • Adherence to a customized education plan
  • Access to patented, neuroscience software and intelligent, adaptive software
  • Learning process discovery and utilization of real-world technology
  • One-on-one intensive, individualized tutoring and/or
  • Small group tutoring
  • Holistic social, emotional and academic support including growth mindset coaching
  • Guidance on how to establish a home education program and maintain compliance with the law
  • Guidance on how to comply with reporting, record keeping and student evaluation requirements (As a parent participating in a home education program, you are responsible for all records.)
  • Collaborative planning for future school placement


Who is an ideal candidate for our Homeschool Support Program?


  • Students a year or more behind in reading and/or writing that need to close learning gaps without also being exposed to overwhelming grade level material and standardized testing
  • English Language Learners
  • Students diagnosed with SLD: Dyslexia, Dysgraphia, Dyscalculia, etc.


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