10 Famous People With Dyslexia
It’s a common misconception that dyslexia is caused by poor intelligence, laziness, or other character flaws. In fact, dyslexia can occur in all walks of life. Some of your favorite
It’s a common misconception that dyslexia is caused by poor intelligence, laziness, or other character flaws. In fact, dyslexia can occur in all walks of life. Some of your favorite
Dyslexia is a deeply misunderstood learning difference, and the internet is full of myths about it. In this blog post, we’ll talk about the most widespread myths about dyslexia and
Millions of school-age children experience difficulties with learning for a myriad of reasons. A learning difference can make learning difficult for a child. For years, schools have attempted to provide
The wait-to-see approach has been failing children for decades. It focuses on “waiting to see” how kids will do with more time and even retaining kids in the hopes that
One character from Greek mythology who shows up frequently as a symbolic meme is Sisyphus. He was condemned by Zeus to spend eternity rolling a massive rock up a steep
The human brain is the most complex natural organ yet discovered, so much so that it takes some high-level organization and specialized operations to run it. Our brains conduct a
Tips on helping your child thrive in school and life Key takeaways: Early intervention and the commitment it requires are essential for both dyslexia and ADHD. Academic software can help
How dyslexia can benefit your child Kids with dyslexia have many gifts, including: Enhanced right-brain skills Think in pictures rather than words Holistic thinking that sees the whole picture Improved
The signs, causes, and treatment of rapid naming deficit Dyslexia is a common learning difference that is often misunderstood. For instance, did you know that children with dyslexia can struggle
The signs, causes, and treatment of surface dyslexia Dyslexia is a learning difference that can make it difficult for your child to learn to read. You may know something about