Solutions for the Top 5 Homework Battles

When I try to help my child with his homework, he always says “That’s not how my teacher does it”!

Your child will work with certified teachers experienced with Florida Standards and Common Core.  We also act as a liaison with your child’s teachers, so you don’t have to worry about teacher jargon.  

My child takes FOREVER to get started on her homework. She wants a snack, she forgot a pencil, she can’t find her agenda, she moves from the kitchen table to the living room floor.

Your child will have an individual work area and be explicitly taught our signature HW Lab system to organize and manage time.

My child gets his homework done, but often forgets where he put it and it doesn’t get turned in. Sometimes, I find it in a crumpled up ball on the bottom of his backpack.

Completing homework and getting it turned in are two very different skills. Our signature HW Lab system addresses Executive Skills so your child explicitly learns how to successfully locate, complete and turn in assignments.   

It takes my 2nd grader hours to get homework done. She gets fatigued, frustrated and wants to give up way before she is done.

Social and emotional coaching is part of our signature HW Lab system. Your child will learn how to handle their feelings about homework and other non preferred tasks. 

Every single day my daughter tells me, “I have no homework tonight.” That can’t be true, how do I get her to be accountable?

Our HW Lab Learning Coaches teach students to be accountable for all assignments that are written in their agenda.  If there is consistently nothing written in their agenda, we will contact their teacher directly.  



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