
Learning Lab’s Core Values – Open Heart: How to Learn on Their Terms

Multicolored papier-mache arms and hands forming an open heart to signify one of Learning Lab’s core values

How we use open hearts to teach children with learning differences

Key takeaways:

  • All behavior is a form of communication
  • We see every child through loving, understanding eyes
  • Learning is an experience that involves the mind, body, and heart
  • We use open hearts to design plans that fit each child’s unique needs and goals

The Learning Lab is guided by five core values – marathon mentality, growth mindset, action orientation, an attitude of gratitude, and an open heart. One of the most important has to do with having an “open heart” for learners. We recognize that all behavior is a form of communication. It is our job to see every child through loving, understanding eyes.

We strive to remember that learning is not just about remembering facts, but an experience that involves a child’s mind, body, and heart. You must engage a child’s heart if you expect them to absorb information, especially if they struggle with a learning challenge like dyslexia, dyscalculia, or ADHD. 

Children with learning differences have unique ways of learning. The key is to let them learn in a way that suits their specific needs and struggles. We talk about what it means to have an open heart and how we use this core value to design plans that fit each child’s unique academic goals.

What we mean by “open heart”

We have a heart for children who struggle to learn because we understand them. We know that learning differences like dyslexia, dyscalculia, and ADHD have nothing to do with intelligence. A challenge does not reflect a child’s willingness to learn. It doesn’t make them “lazy.”

Telling a child with dyslexia to “try harder”, for example, doesn’t work. A child with ADHD cannot simply “pay more attention.” Practicing more will not make solving math problems easier for a child with dyscalculia. Pushing children with learning differences usually ends up making them ashamed or resentful until they just give up and stop trying.  

We know struggling learners because we’ve been there ourselves. We use the latest scientific research and technology to teach students how to learn and overcome differences. We focus on the strengths and skills they do have while helping them catch up and succeed in areas where they struggle.

A safe space to learn

School can become a battleground for children with dyslexia, dyscalculia, or ADHD. It’s a place that becomes associated with frustration, fear, and failure. Children who struggle in school sometimes also deal with emotional and psychological issues, including low self-esteem and anxiety. 

The Learning Lab is a safe space for learning that can be done in many different ways. We’re not afraid to change the environment and offer out-of-the-box solutions that focus on each child as an individual and not a test score or grade. Sitting at a desk is not suitable for all learners. We create methods and environments where children with learning differences can learn best.

Our programs

The Learning Lab offers a range of programs that fit the needs of every type of learner. These programs include:

  • One-on-one instruction
  • Small group instruction
  • Homeschool support programs
  • Cognitive training
  • Homework management 

We create learning profiles for each child to determine the right interventions and programs. We give kids the tools and encouragement to take charge of their learning. Families love our programs, which can be done one-on-one or in small group settings. 

The Homework Lab

Our Homework Lab ensures that your child will not be left behind in class. Students who struggle with reading, writing, and math can easily become stressed because they don’t understand the material. Homework is late or not even attempted. Parents can become equally stressed as they struggle to help.

The Homework Lab:

  • Reteaches challenging material
  • Helps with organization, focus, and executive functioning skills
  • Offers test prep and study skills

We offer sessions that focus on teaching skills your child might be missing. Plus, we can help your child develop executive functioning or “soft skills” such as organization, task management, critical thinking, planning, and communication. 

Academic software

We incorporate scientifically-based reading, writing, and math software, which are designed specifically for struggling learners. These programs focus on common issues facing children with dyslexia, dyscalculia, and ADHD, helping them learn critical cognitive skills, including:

  • Phonemic awareness
  • Phonics 
  • Reading comprehension
  • Reading fluency
  • Grammar
  • Semantics and mechanics
  • Vocabulary
  • Morphology (recognition, understanding, and use of word parts)

I3 Lab

Our I3 Lab offers a customized experience for each child. We craft individualized plans for each child using a time-tested, evidence-based curriculum. 

Our programs include:

  • Barton Reading and Spelling System©
  • DreamBox Math© 
  • Fast ForWord®
  • Foundation in SoundsTM
  • Multi-sensory Math Remediation
  • Multi-Sensory Writing Instruction
  • IEW© (Institute for Excellence in Writing)
  • Reading Assistant PlusTM
  • Wilson Just Words®
  • Winston Grammar®
  • Seeing Stars®
  • TouchMath©
  • Visualizing and Verbalizing Multi-Sensory Language-Based Programming®

In the I3 Lab, we teach kids the way they learn. We tailor a plan to fit your child’s strengths and learning style, whether he or she is a visual, auditory, or tactile learner. We offer one-on-one and small group instruction. Using a personalized intervention plan, we can help close skill gaps and build confidence, so your child can catch up with peers and succeed academically. 

Getting help for your learner

If your child struggles academically because of a learning difference, it’s important to get help as early as possible. The Learning Lab offers support for children, adolescents, and teens who need extra help in reading, writing, and math. Our goal is to prepare your child for a lifetime of learning while helping him or her close academic gaps. 

The Learning Lab recently expanded to Davie to provide enhanced learning support to families throughout Broward County.

Contact us today for more information.



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