Understanding Phonological Dyslexia
The subtypes of dyslexia Perhaps you know the basics about dyslexia. However, you may not be aware that children with dyslexia can struggle in one or several different areas, often
The subtypes of dyslexia Perhaps you know the basics about dyslexia. However, you may not be aware that children with dyslexia can struggle in one or several different areas, often
Learning to accept your child’s dyslexia diagnosis Most of us have heard of the 5 stages of grief. This refers to different stages that people go through after the death
Children with dyslexia may face an even bigger struggle as they attempt to adapt to eLearning We offer this guide for parents with tips and resources to help your child
How much do we love audiobooks? Let us count the ways …
With children across the globe being schooled at home, thanks to COVID-19, many parents are worried about one thing: what will happen to their kid’s reading habits? Reading fatigue happens at the best of times, and for children with dyslexia, it can be especially difficult to stick to their reading lists when there’s no one there to walk them through it.
A deeper understanding of dyslexia
Dyslexia is a common condition that affects 1 in 5 kids. Even though the name is familiar, you may not know much about it, beyond a vague notion that dyslexia makes it difficult to read.
Provide a supportive environment and an appropriate education by understanding dyslexia
Individuals with dyslexia struggle with more than just the symptoms of their learning disability.
Learn how to evaluate your child for signs of dyslexia and how to navigate a diagnosis The ability to read serves as a gateway for so many of life’s advantages.